I keep seeing this band in reviews and lists and show lineups and under other circumstances this might pique enough interest to type their myspace URL and listen to 1 or 2 songs.
But their name is so god awful I won't, nay, can't do it. This faggotry should drive any self respecting music fan to the hills of Ugh Puke. The name congers Morrissey if he got raped and only played acoustic all ages shows.
What kind of self righteous poetry readers play in this band? If you have the audacity to choose such a phony bleeding heart bull shit how can I expect anything you play to be remotely good. The name tries to sound so honest and vulnerable, but anyone who would want this as name wouldn't use it cuz their Dads beat them so hard they've learned to pretend to not be such wimps. If they wanted to reveal all this crap through their name just go with "The Pain of Being Self Righteous Wussies".
Since I can't listen to them, maybe it's a massive pisstake I'm not in on and they play some awesome fuckit style indie punk-metal, well the joke goes too far. I can't handle it. You want an ironic pussy name for a not pussy band, go with Gay For Johnny Depp (swoon).
That last sentence was just an excuse to name drop those guys who are awesome and have one of the best band names evar.
Other awful names, tho I've listened to & like most of these
Iron and Wine (like him)
Bonnie "Prince" Billy (like alot, extra bad name tho)
Broken Social Scene (pretentious as fuck name, good 1st album)
The Boy Least Likey (worst of honorable mentions, don't like their music)
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