Dec 22, 2008

Teenage Mutant Ninja Poodle - Poodle Power!

I feel a bit guilty about my last post. Penis humor of any kind is pretty base. Still the chart says "orientals" that alone is worth posting. In fact if you have any other scientific charts that say Orientals, please send them hither for immediate postitude and a free chewy granola bar.

Moving on to higher minded content, I present you with this ri-dog-ulous nonsense.
A poodle groomed and dyed to look like Donatello, of the teenage mutant ninja turtles.

Look at that bitch (rim shot) isn't she chuffed. There are more white trash retarded poodle haircuts here at Joshua Bearman's blog, where I stole this shit from.


Woods said...

Hey Nelly Retardo, that's obvs Leonardo (blue bandana), not Donatello, who has sex with machines.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow. That is hilarious and horrendous, all at once.

Raymi Lauren said...

poor thing, poodles have it rough enough as is cos they're so pansy ass lookin'